Web Development


Web development and good web design are vital your business success.  Web design covers graphics and layout; web development covers the core coding of your web applications.  Strong web development bolsters your web design to support an expanding business.  IBC provides web development & design rooted in creativity and founded in technical expertise.

Let us create a gorgeous website  and profitable business system for you.

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Business Consulting

We provide business development and IT consulting for small and mid-size companies.  IBC-Webtech has expertise in business development, project management, corporate engineering, marketing and process flow.

We provide quality business consulting economically for dozens of small and mid-sized companies nationally and internationally, improving their bottom line.  Increase your bottom line 30 to 100%

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Author Services

With over ten years of experience working with traditional publishing houses, indie presses and self-published authors, we demystify the whole process for our clients.  

We guide authors through the entire book publishing process step-by-step, from book sales, marketing, printing, distribution, fulfillment, cover design, trim sizes, pricing, titles and “the book business”.

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  • All
  • Finance
  • Insurance
  • Leasing
  • Uncategorized


What Makes A Financial Website Successful?

Financial services must tie these three factors together – customer experience, best practices and reliability/responsiveness – to have an effective web presence. They can’t go hard into one particular area and ignore the others. They have to understand what’s available versus their competitors, what consumers think of their sites versus competitors’ and how their sites are performing.

How To Reduce Financial Stress

Life goes on. It’s not worth spending time worrying about your finance. Be active in solving the problems. Financial stress will no longer affect you.

What Makes A Financial Service’s Website Successful?

Financial services must tie these three factors together – customer experience, best practices and reliability/responsiveness – to have an effective web presence. They can’t go hard into one particular area and ignore the others. They have to understand what’s available versus their competitors, what consumers think of their sites versus competitors’ and how their sites are performing.